Bell Funeral Services "Committed To Care"

Remembering Father’s Day

It can be hard at certain times of the year, like Father’s Day, when everyone else seems to be celebrating and you can find yourself in a confusing position. Most people don’t know how to act around someone without a father on this specific day and if you have your own family you may have to put of your own grief aside to support others in their happiness.

Despite any loss in your life, there are always things to be grateful for and even on days like Father’s Day, it’s important to remember that.

There can be times in which you wonder how families can withstand loss and carry on, but truth to the matter is that even on days used to celebrate a certain individual – there is no other choice. It can be a long process and it takes time to figure it out but after talking to someone who has recently loss their father, we asked them how they choose to celebrate Fathers Day.

Spending time at a place that they used to enjoy: “My dad would often spend a lot of his time around certain suburbs in Melbourne so on Father’s Day and his birthday, I like to walk the streets and eat at places that remind me of him and times that we spent together around the neighbourhood.”

Calling family/loved ones: “Our family is scattered all over Australia, so on Father’s Day we like to send each other texts of funny pictures we have with our dad – like outtakes of the nice pictures – and laugh that memory instead of the ones we have hanging around the house that people see everyday.”

Visiting his resting place: “I live far from where he was buried so it’s hard for me to do this but I know that my extended family goes for me every year and puts fresh flowers on his grave. I say some kind words to him wherever I am about the time I know they’re going so it’s like I’m there in spirit.”

Reflection: “In the early days of his passing it was hard not to feel a lot and get worked up wondering how everyone else could be happy on Father’s Day when I didn’t know how to navigate the day. Did I buy a card? Was it still Father’s Day if I didn’t have a dad anymore? The truth is that no matter how much time passes, I don’t think I’ll ever be past the confusion of how to go through the day, especially how hyped up it is on TV and in stores but before I go to bed I like to just think of him and say goodbye for the day knowing that tomorrow the day starts again.”